
Zombie Isle

Zombie Isle

Zombie Isle

IMDb: 3.6

Zombie Isle In the late 70’s, a group of college students and their professor ventured onto an uninhabited island for a day of exploring flora, fauna and co-ed fun. The class field trip quickly becomes a grisly nightmare as the students and faculty soon discover they are stranded and the island is crawling with ravenous, flesh-eating ghouls, reanimated as Zombies by an insane Nazi scientist who can resurrect and control the dead. Just when the slaughter levels out, a three-headed abomination comes out of hiding that even its creator can’t control. A head smashing, blood splattering, intestine eating throwback to the zombie films of the 70’s and 80’s. Welcome to ZOMBIE ISLE… A fieldtrip straight to Hell.

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IMDb: 4.6

In this cult film, Azure St. Clair, a neurotic vampiress who is deathly allergic to blood, must protect her only source of food, the VAMPIE (a vampire pie), from a dark vampiric order that wants to use the powers of this deadly pie to revive the dead and enslave the world.

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Aliens from Outer Space

Aliens from Outer Space

Aliens from Outer Space

IMDb: 6.8

For those who don’t believe that Aliens from outer space have invaded our planet, this amazing documentary reveals the facts they DON’T want you to know. Join UFO researcher Bill Knell in this cult classic presentation covering suppressed and hidden information about the strangest and most fantastic UFO incidents in recent history. You will be amazed and bewildered by countless UFO sightings.

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Deadly Lessons

Deadly Lessons

Deadly Lessons

IMDb: 6.2

A mysterious college professor, Simon Conjurer guides a group of dysfunctionals on a journey of self discovery, as they become the focus of a murder investigation when Simon is framed by his rival, Dr. Crazx (Jon Voight), a Pulitzer prize winning psychiatrist with an unsavory vendetta and a knack for twisted mind games.

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IMDb: 4.3

Franczesko, Fikoł and Szyja known each other for years, they work together and spend their free time together. When they lose their job in a local factory, decide to spend a crazy weekend in the capital. But the real adventure has yet to begin, when – during a forced stop in charming surroundings Transriver – three guys is mistakenly taken for German investors.

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The 50 Year Argument

The 50 Year Argument

The 50 Year Argument

IMDb: 7.7

Directed by acclaimed filmmaker Martin Scorsese and his longtime documentary collaborator David Tedeschi, A 50 Year Argument rides the waves of literary, political, and cultural history as charted by the The New York Review of Books, America’s leading journal of ideas for over 50 years. Provocative, idiosyncratic and incendiary, the film weaves rarely seen archival material, contributor interviews, excerpts from writings by such icons as James Baldwin, Gore Vidal, and Joan Didion along with original verité footage filmed in the Review’s West Village offices. Confrontation and original argument are in the Review’s DNA – the magazine seems as vital now as when it was run by its indefatigable founding editors, Robert Silvers and the late Barbara Epstein. Co-produced with the BBC’s award-winning Arena and shaped by Scorcese’s vivid filmmaking style, The Fifty Year Argument captures the power of ideas in influencing history.

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IMDb: 5.5

A lazy stoner surf-bum must adapt to the corporate world and learn how to sell knives in order to support his family after his dad loses his job.

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When Pigs Have Wings

When Pigs Have Wings

When Pigs Have Wings

IMDb: 7.0

After a tempest, fishermen do not find only fish in their nets. That is what happens to Jafaar, a poor fisherman who lives poorly in Gaza. And what he hauls in is really upsetting: imagine that, a pig! An unclean animal judged impure not only by the Faith of Islam but also by the Jewish religion. Determined to get rid of the animal, Jafaar tries desperately to sell it, first to a United Nations official, then to a Jewish colony where Yelena raises pigs not for their meat but for security reasons. Of course, going unnoticed in the company of a “forbidden” animal, among his Palestinian brothers, past Israeli soldiers and under the scrutiny of Islamic fundamentalists is no bed of roses and a series of misadventures await Jafaar.

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Get the Picture

Get the Picture

Get the Picture

IMDb: 7.9

Meet John G Morris, 95, a legend of photojournalism, whose unerring eye for the best shot has moved and changed the world. Morris, former Picture Editor of Life Magazine & New York Times was instrumental in the early years of Magnum with his friends and peers Robert Capa & Henri Cartier Bresson. This film covers serious subjects; the coverage of conflict through photojournalism, a sensitive view of humanity and a search for peace in the world.

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Friend Request

Friend Request

Friend Request

IMDb: 5.3

A team of two detectives is tasked with apprehending a crazed, online psycho who tracks down and lures victims via a popular social media site.

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Dalpaengee eui byeol

Dalpaengee eui byeol

Dalpaengee eui byeol

IMDb: 7.2

Young-Chan comes from planet of snail where deaf blind people live slow and quiet lives. When Young-Chan came to Earth, nobody understood his language and he was desperate. Then an angel walked into his life. Soon-Ho knows how it is to be lonely and soon becomes an inseparable part of his life. Young-Chan also discovers an amazing world under his fingers as he learned to read books with braille. Hopes began to grow and he dreams of writing a book. However, Soon-Ho cannot always be there for him because of her own problem of spine disability. The couple now should learn to survive alone. While Soon-Ho uneasily spends her first day waiting for his return, Young-Chan goes out for the biggest adventure of his life.

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Monster Mutt

Monster Mutt

Monster Mutt

IMDb: 3.7

A pair of kids trying to save their beloved pooch from a mad scientist working for a sinister villain whose experiment has transformed their dog into a crazy-eyed muppet monstrosity.

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The Sacred Science

The Sacred Science

The Sacred Science

IMDb: 7.1

Diabetes. Prostate cancer. Alcoholism. Parkinson’s diseases. Just a handful of many common illnesses that Western medicine has been inadequate in curing or treating. Witness the story of eight brave souls as they leave the developed world behind in search of deeper answers. Living in seclusion for one month in the heart of the Amazon jungle, these men and women take part in the powerful healing practices of Peru’s indigenous medicine men, working with centuries-old plant remedies and spiritual disciplines. In their most desperate hour, these patients are forced to confront not only their physical ailments, but their own spiritual and psychological barriers in the process. Five will return with real results, two will return disappointed, and one won’t come back at all.

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Pride of Lions

Pride of Lions

Pride of Lions

IMDb: 3.2

Action / Comedy – Five retired ex-military men attempt the unthinkable and dust off their old uniforms for one last explosive mission. The team quickly discovers that they are up against an enemy from their past. This time, The Dependables mission is personal. With guns blazing, the group puts their lives on the line to defeat their arch nemesis and save their grandchildren.

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Rites of Passage

Rites of Passage

Rites of Passage

IMDb: 4.1

An anthropology student takes some of his classmates to his family ranch, where his brother lives in a haze of drugs, guilt, and Chumash Indian rituals (

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The Greening of Whitney Brown

The Greening of Whitney Brown

The Greening of Whitney Brown

IMDb: 5.2

Whitney, a spoiled pre-teen from Philadelphia, is forced to move to the country when her parents feel the squeeze of economic hard times. A fish out of water, far from her comfort zone, she befriends an amazing horse, and undertakes a misguided journey back to her old life, only to discover that her family is her home.

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IMDb: 6.9

In a city where streets are overrun by drug dealers, those who have sworn to uphold the law are breaking it to better suit their own needs. Naresh K plays a detective (Sleaze), a veteran officer whose methods of enforcing the law are questionable, if not corrupt. ‘PSEUDO’ follows Sleaze as he takes the law in his own hands and co-ordinates a series of raids with his gang of friends. Ethical dilemmas arise when things go wrong and friends turn on each other as a game of cat and mouse ensues

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Standing Army

Standing Army

Standing Army

IMDb: 8.3

Standing Army, directed by Enrico Parenti and Thomas Fazi, is an award-winning documentary film about the global network of U.S. military bases, the impact that these have on local populations, and the military-industrial complex that lies behind it.

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The Dragon Warrior

The Dragon Warrior

The Dragon Warrior

IMDb: 6.8

The One Warrior is a fantasy/action piece that is loosely based on video adventure games. In our story, the character of The One Warrior finds himself in a mythical world where he must destroy the Evil Lord Shoukata, but to do so he must first fight his way through many challenges. These include dragons, the cursed swords of Damacleus, the Samurai Six, the Amazon Warriors, and much, much more. With each level he passes through, the more powerful he becomes until the end where we realize it is really a man who may have been testing a new video game. Or was it? The truth may never be known. Written by Jewel A

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Vares – Pimeyden tango

Vares – Pimeyden tango

Vares – Pimeyden tango

IMDb: 5.3

The tango king Harry Koivikko was found dead six years ago in a sleazebag motel, with a knife is his back. The biggest manhunt in the county faded away without results. Jussi Vares gets a phone call from a down-and-out journalist; the informant tells Vares he knows the murderer. Then the journalist disappears without a trace and Vares has to face the biggest challenge of his career. To add insult to the injury, an old acquaintance Veikko Hopea gets his first prison furlough…

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IMDb: 6.5

Lazarus Fell, a former naval intelligence officer trained in black ops and tasked with tracking down the most wanted Terrorist in the world, has gone rogue, realizing his mission has been inexplicably compromised by his own chain of command. As a result, Lazarus has faked his own death, forsaken his life, his family and all that matters to him in the world, to continue his solitary pursuit. But he has personal motivations as well, believing his father, Solomon Fell, Chief of Operations for the Office of Naval Intelligence, was killed in the attacks of 9/11 – the event masterminded by the selfsame Terrorist.

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A Lamp in the Dark: The Untold History of the Bible

A Lamp in the Dark: The Untold History of the Bible

A Lamp in the Dark: The Untold History of the Bible

IMDb: 6.9

A Lamp in the Dark is an exciting new documentary that unfolds the fascinating “untold” history of the Bible, revealing critical information often overlooked in modern histories. Throughout the Middle Ages, the Papal Inquisition forbade biblical translation, threatening imprisonment and death to those who disobeyed. Learn the stories of valiant warriors of the faith, such as John Wycliffe, William Tyndale, Martin Luther, the ancient Waldenses, Albigenses and others who hazarded their lives for the sake of sharing the Gospel light with a world drowning in darkness. Once the common people were able to read the Bible, the world was turned upside down through the Protestant Reformation.

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Hang Loose

Hang Loose

Hang Loose

IMDb: 5.7

Kevin must go to Hawaii to attend the wedding of his big sister. The day before the wedding he goes on a misadventure with his future brother in law and his crazy groomsmen that changes his life.

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Kamisama no karute

Kamisama no karute

Kamisama no karute

IMDb: 6.8

Dr. Ichito Kuriharai (Sho Sakurai) works at a clinic in Nagano Prefecture. He rarely has any free time due to the clinic’s shortage of doctors and the constant influx of patients. Ichito even sometimes diagnoses patients out of his area of speciality and sometimes goes days without sleeping. He hopes to work at a major hospital where he can get more free time to spend with his wife Haruna (Aoi Miyazaki) and also specialize in his field of study. However, Ichito is also reluctant to add to shortage of doctors at the clinic and break his relationships with the patients. One day, Dr. Ichito Kuriharai clears out the belongings of a terminal cancer patient who passed away. During this time, he discovers a letter made out to him thanking him for the care he provided to her, even though he could not cure her sickness. Dr. Ichito Kuriharai then has a revelation about the medical chart he keeps in his hand – filled with personal observations and concerns …

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IMDb: 6.4

The film stars Oguri Shun as an experienced mountain climber and rescue team volunteer named Shimazaki Sanpo. Sanpo loves the mountains and wants as many people as possible to experience everything they have to offer—so much so that he never holds a grudge against anyone for causing an accident due to their own negligence. Even if a fellow rescuer dies, he’s the kind of man who can look toward the corpse and say “You did your best.” One spring, newcomer Shiina Kumi (Nagasawa Masami) is assigned to the Nagano prefecture mountain rescue team where she experiences growth thanks to Sanpo’s guidance and the seemingly harsh training methods of the team’s captain, Noda (Sasaki Kuranosuke). However, she becomes depressed when she’s unable to translate her skills to a real-life situation. As her confidence wanes, multiple accidents occur simultaneously due to a mountain blizzard, forcing the entire team into action.

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Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt

Hannah Arendt

IMDb: 7.1

HANNAH ARENDT is a portrait of the genius that shook the world with her discovery of “the banality of evil.” After she attends the Nazi Adolf Eichmann’s trial in Jerusalem, Arendt dares to write about the Holocaust in terms no one has ever heard before. Her work instantly provokes a furious scandal, and Arendt stands strong as she is attacked by friends and foes alike. But as the German-Jewish émigré also struggles to suppress her own painful associations with the past, the film exposes her beguiling blend of arrogance and vulnerability — revealing a soul defined and derailed by exile.

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IMDb: 6.6

The Côte d’Azur. 1915. In his twilight years, Pierre-Auguste Renoir is tormented by the loss of his wife, the pains of arthritic old age and the terrible news that his son Jean has been wounded in action. But when a young girl miraculously enters his world, the old painter is filled with a new, wholly unexpected energy. Blazing with life, radiantly beautiful, Andrée will become his last model, and the wellspring of a remarkable rejuvenation. Back at the family home to convalesce, Jean too falls under the spell of the new, redheaded star in the Renoir firmament. In their Mediterranean Eden – and in the face of his father’s fierce opposition – he falls in love with this wild, untameable spirit… and as he does so, within weak-willed, battle-shaken Jean, a filmmaker begins to grow.

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Pink Christmas

Pink Christmas

Pink Christmas

IMDb: 8.0

Kaz is battling against fellow bachelor (and nemesis) Archangelo not just for the top spot on the coveted Bachelor Board, but also in a battle of Secret Santas.

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From This Day Forward

From This Day Forward

From This Day Forward

IMDb: 5.8

Patrice and Corrine are two sexy, confident women with great relationships, but they’ve got it all wrong when it comes to love. Before they drive their men crazy, they’ve got some tough lessons to learn about trust and fidelity, if they hope to make love last.

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Budz House

Budz House

Budz House

IMDb: 3.3

Meet Bud Howard, an endearing yet unemployed lazy slacker who lives with his mother Mary Jane and younger sister Divine in a quiet neighborhood in Baldwin Hills, California….

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Paranormal Incident

Paranormal Incident

Paranormal Incident

IMDb: 2.8

The infamous Odenbrook Sanitarium closed after a mass suicide occurred within its walls. Sixty years later, six college students armed with cameras and recording equipment venture into the asylum to prove the existence of the paranormal. Thrills turn into nightmares as members of the group go missing without a sound, cell phones mysteriously vanish, corridors turn into mazes, walls appear where doors once stood, flashlights fail and something or someone begins toying with the group. Days later, when five of the six friends turn up missing, the lone survivor must go through the recovered footage in order to clear his name and find out what happened to his friends

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IMDb: 5.9

When three very different people (Mike Baldwin, Will Haza, Ali Lukowski) from three completely different worlds begin a deadly game of Russian Roulette, they soon discover that their pasts are a trilogy of overlapping events that have brought them together for one last session of group therapy.

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Ask Tesadüfleri Sever

Ask Tesadüfleri Sever

Ask Tesadüfleri Sever

IMDb: 6.6

Year 1977, a September morning in Ankara… Yilmaz tries to rush his pregnant wife Neriman to the hospital and he crashes into Omer’s car. The causes Omer’s pregnant wife Inci, who was in the back seat, to have a pre-term labor. The babies are born on the same day. They see each other for the first time… This accident is the threshold of the coincidences that bring Ozgur and Deniz together. They come across each other in Ankara several times during their childhood and youth. Each intersection has a butterfly effect, resulting in drastic changes in their lives. They sometimes cause disasters, sometimes miracles. However, they can never be together. Whatever it is that brings them together, manages to build a transparent wall between them. Until they come across each other again in Istanbul, 25 years later… –Anonymous (imdb)

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Leave It on the Floor

Leave It on the Floor

Leave It on the Floor

IMDb: 6.4

Our African-American hero , Brad is bullied by his dysfunctional mom; he flees his home and by chance tumbles down the rabbit-hole into the LA ball scene where he finds a ragtag new famiiy. With music by Beyonce music director, Kim Burse, screenplay and lyrics by Glenn Gaylord choreography by Beyonce dance master, Frank Gatson Jr. and eye-popping visuals and direction by Sheldon Larry, the film is an ode to the wild funky and heart-aching life of this amazing underground. Written by Sheldon Larry (

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Espacio interior

Espacio interior

Espacio interior

IMDb: 6.8

Locked up and isolated, constantly exposed and threatened to be killed, for the first time in his life Lazaro understood that he was a free man.

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Neighboring Sounds

Neighboring Sounds

Neighboring Sounds

IMDb: 7.5

Life in a middle-class neighbourhood in present day Recife, Brazil, takes an unexpected turn after the arrival of an independent private security firm. The presence of these men brings a sense of safety and a good deal of anxiety to a culture which runs on fear. Meanwhile, Bia, married and mother of two, must find a way to deal with the constant barking and howling of her neighbour’s dog. A slice of ‘Braziliana’, a reflection on history, violence and noise.

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Last Call

Last Call

Last Call

IMDb: 4.8

Danny and Phil O’Donnell are chronically underachieving cousins, who are forced to run the family pub, in order to save their crazy Uncle Pete from jail and financial destitution. The boys instigate a number of hilarious schemes, from turning the pub into a strip club to a high school speakeasy, just to keep it afloat.

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Corações Sujos

Corações Sujos

Corações Sujos

IMDb: 4.7

In 1945, Japan surrendered to the United States and the Second World War was over. Right? Wrong. For eighty percent of the Japanese community in Brazil, Japan had won the war and defeat was nothing more than American propaganda. The few immigrants that accepted the truth were persecuted. Some were hunted down and assassinated – by their own countrymen – causing the start of a new, private war. Dirty Hearts is a thriller and love story told by the wife of one of the fanatics dedicated to preach Japanese victory. Little by little, she watches her husband, a hard-working immigrant, become an assassin and their love story fade away.

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Säilöttyjä unelmia

Säilöttyjä unelmia

Säilöttyjä unelmia

IMDb: 7.9

A simple can of ravioli propels this spectacular 30,000-kilometre, eight-country journey through all phases of food production and the far flung sources of international ingredients. A dream-like voyage with glimpses of disconcerting realities, the story begins with a single mother toiling in one of the biggest open pit mines in Brazil and ends on the shelf of a grocery store in Finland. Along the way, the workers whose calloused hands mine, raise and harvest each ingredient reveal their dreams and hopes, like the Danish pig farmer who loves his sows but longs for a girlfriend, and the Portuguese tomato picker who wants to stay healthy long enough to pay her daughters way through university. Sumptuous photography and impressive sound design make an eloquent statement about our modern, globalized world, making us aware of the hundreds of invisible people who prepare the food we eat every day. -Gisèle Gordon (

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Junior High Spy

Junior High Spy

Junior High Spy

IMDb: 4.5

When his F.B.I. agent father is abducted, Ricky Lazio, Jr. believes he knows who did it but the agency dismisses his lead as child’s play. Forced into action – and armed with an array of his dad’s high-tech spy gadgets – Ricky enlists the aid of his quick-thinking, computer-genius best friend, to help track down his Dad. From thrilling motocross races, to speed boat chases, to martial arts showdowns, they now need to evade the watchful eye of the F.B.I, get their homework done before dinner and save the day.

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