
10 Days in Sun City

10 Days in Sun City

10 Days in Sun City

IMDb: 4.7

A potpourri of love, drama, passion and culture, “10 Days in Sun City” is a comedy-drama that sees Akpos on another ‘adventure’, this time, to South Africa, with his girlfriend Bianca.

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Zulu Summer

Zulu Summer

Zulu Summer

IMDb: 6.9

“The Zulus are coming,” Dark Sevier, a local DJ for public radio in Butte, Montana, announces to listeners one evening in May, 2017. By this point, everyone in the small town had been eagerly following the strange and curious series of events that would eventually bring a Zulu prince from Nongoma, South Africa, to their town of 30,000-some-odd people.

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IMDb: 9.3

On June 17th, 2015, 21-year-old white supremacist Dylann Roof walked into a bible study and murdered nine African Americans during their closing prayer. This is the story of the victims and survivors of that night.

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Holiday In The Wild

Holiday In The Wild

Holiday In The Wild

IMDb: 5.6

When her husband abruptly ends their marriage, empty nester Kate embarks on a solo second honeymoon in Africa, finding purpose and potential romance.

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Black and Blue

Black and Blue

Black and Blue

IMDb: 6.5

Exposure follows a rookie Detroit African-American female cop who stumbles upon corrupt officers who are murdering a drug dealer, an incident captured by her body cam. They pursue her through the night in an attempt to destroy the footage, but to make matters worse, they’ve tipped off a criminal gang that she’s responsible for the dealer’s death.

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The Furnace

The Furnace

The Furnace

IMDb: 3.5

Newlyweds Mary and Matt celebrate Christmas – and their passion for running – with two honeymoon tickets to Africa’s ultimate footrace, The Furnace. Their excitement to race together across the biggest animal reserve in the world has them inspired.  Then in a horrific flash, everything’s gone including Mary’s purpose for living.

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Happiness Is a Four-letter Word

Happiness Is a Four-letter Word

Happiness Is a Four-letter Word

IMDb: 7.6

Perfectionist Nandi seems to have the New South African Dream life within her grasp, black female partner in a major firm, marriage, the perfect house – but it all goes up in flames a few months before the wedding. With her friends Zaza and Princess, Nandi will have to find out what truly makes her happy and then fight to get it.

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Killer Bees

Killer Bees

Killer Bees

IMDb: 4.7

A championship high school basketball team provides pride, tradition and hope for an African American community struggling to survive in the middle of one of the wealthiest communities in America – The Hamptons.

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IMDb: 6.8

Yuli is the nickname given to Carlos Acosta by his father, Pedro, who considers him the son of Ogun, an African god and a fighter. As a child Yuli avoids discipline and education, learning from the streets of an impoverished and abandoned Havana. His father, however, has other ideas, and knowing that his son has a natural talent for dance, sends him to the National Ballet School of Cuba. Despite his repeated escapes and initial poor behaviour, the boy is inevitably drawn to the world of dance, and begins to shape his legendary career from a young age, becoming the first black dancer to be cast in some of the most prestigious ballet roles, originally written for white dancers, in companies such as the Houston Ballet or the Royal Ballet in London.

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A Chance in the World

A Chance in the World

A Chance in the World

IMDb: 7.4

A Chance in the World is the unbelievable real life story of Steve, a wounded and broken boy destined to become a man of resilience and vision. From the day he is five-years-old and dropped off at his foster home of the next eleven years, Steve is mentally and physically tortured by Betty (his foster mother), Willie (her husband) and his foster siblings. Desperate for a sense of family and belonging, Steve searches for his biological parents, but no one in the system can help him. No one can tell him why, with obvious African-American features, he has the last name of Klakowicz.

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Mighty Joe Young

Mighty Joe Young

Mighty Joe Young

IMDb: 5.8

After being taken from his home in Africa, Gorilla “Joe” is an instant hit in a Hollywood nightclub. This fun and wonderfully entertaining slant on “King Kong” is much better than Kong’s 1934 sequel, “Son of Kong”. This all ages adventure has superb special effects from Willis O’Brien and his protege, Ray Harryhausen.

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Lethal Ninja

Lethal Ninja

Lethal Ninja

IMDb: 4.1

An American ninja’s wife is held hostage by a sadistic Nazi chemist on an Asian island. He teams up with an African-American ninja to rescue her.

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Sides of a Horn

Sides of a Horn

Sides of a Horn

IMDb: 7.4

The first film to tell the story of South Africa’s poaching war from both sides of the fence. Based on actual events, and filmed in the townships and game reserves most directly impacted by wildlife crime, this dramatic short film paints an unbiased portrait of a modern war that is tearing apart communities and driving a pre-historic species to the verge of extinction.

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One Bedroom

One Bedroom

One Bedroom

IMDb: 6.8

Breaking up is easy. Moving out is hard. Especially when there’s a New York City apartment involved. After five years of ups and downs, an African American 30-something couple in a gentrifying Brooklyn neighborhood spends their final afternoon together arguing and remember better days, as one of them moves out and hopefully on with her life.

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One Thing Left to Do

One Thing Left to Do

One Thing Left to Do

IMDb: 4.2

Unable to come to terms with the death of his fiance Rosie, Michael escapes to South Africa to fulfill his would-be honeymoon. While there, he meets up with Rosie’s estranged sister, Summer. Unwanted and uninvited, she forces herself onto Michael’s trip of self destruction in a last ditch effort to connect with her family. If you lost the one you loved, would you recover and live without them….or choose not to?.

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The Green Book: Guide to Freedom

The Green Book: Guide to Freedom

The Green Book: Guide to Freedom

IMDb: 8.3

In the 1930s, a black postal carrier from Harlem named Victor Green published a book that was part travel guide and part survival guide. It was called The Negro Motorist Green Book, and it helped African-Americans navigate safe passage across America well into the 1960s. Explore some of the segregated nation’s safe havens and notorious “sundown towns” and witness stories of struggle and indignity as well as opportunity and triumph.

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Mercenary for Justice

Mercenary for Justice

Mercenary for Justice

IMDb: 4.2

Mercenary John Seeger is one of the best in the business. John and his crew battle some soldiers on Galmoral Island in Southern Africa as they’re trying to rescue the French Ambassador — there’s a coup going on. Some of John’s soldiers unload their machine guns into the Ambassador and his family, blowing the mission and getting his best friend Radio Jones killed. He heads back to the US and visits Radio’s wife Shondra to tells her the news, and then promises that he’ll take care of her and her son Eddie. But shortly after he makes that vow, Shondra and Eddie get kidnapped.

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Seal Team Eight: Behind Enemy Lines

Seal Team Eight: Behind Enemy Lines

Seal Team Eight: Behind Enemy Lines

IMDb: 4.6

Seal Team Eight must fight their way deep into Africa’s Congo, decommission a secret uranium mine, and stop our most dangerous enemy from smuggling weapon’s grade yellow-cake out of the country.

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IMDb: 4.8

On a family trip in the African desert, a research scientist unintentionally travels off course and is brutally murdered by an arms dealer. His girlfriend is put to the ultimate survival test as she attempts to evade the killers and protect his teenage daughter.

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Exorcist: The Beginning

Exorcist: The Beginning

Exorcist: The Beginning

IMDb: 5.1

Having lived through traumatizing events during WWII, Father Lankester Merrin takes a sabbatical from the Church to conduct archaeological excavations in British-administered East Africa. Merrin unearths an ancient Byzantine church believed have been built and then immediately buried to keep down evil from the crypt below. The natives are convinced that uncovering the church has unleashed a demon, and begin to violently clash with the British military troops. As the village rapidly disintegrates into chaos and war, Merrin must face-off with the demon which has taken possession of somebody close to him.

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The Gunman

The Gunman

The Gunman

IMDb: 5.8

Eight years after fleeing the Congo following his assassination of that country’s minister of mining, former assassin Jim Terrier is back, suffering from PTSD and digging wells to atone for his violent past. After an attempt is made on his life, Terrier flies to London to find out who wants him dead — and why. Terrier’s search leads him to a reunion with Annie, a woman he once loved, who is now married to an oily businessman with dealings in Africa.

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Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom

Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom

Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom

IMDb: 7.1

A chronicle of Nelson Mandela’s life journey from his childhood in a rural village through to his inauguration as the first democratically elected president of South Africa.

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Black Dynamite

Black Dynamite

Black Dynamite

IMDb: 7.4

This is the story of 1970s African-American action legend Black Dynamite. The Man killed his brother, pumped heroin into local orphanages, and flooded the ghetto with adulterated malt liquor. Black Dynamite was the one hero willing to fight The Man all the way from the blood-soaked city streets to the hallowed halls of the Honky House…

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The Help

The Help

The Help

IMDb: 8.1

Aibileen Clark is a middle-aged African-American maid who has spent her life raising white children and has recently lost her only son; Minny Jackson is an African-American maid who has often offended her employers despite her family’s struggles with money and her desperate need for jobs; and Eugenia “Skeeter” Phelan is a young white woman who has recently moved back home after graduating college to find out her childhood maid has mysteriously disappeared. These three stories intertwine to explain how life in Jackson, Mississippi revolves around “the help”; yet they are always kept at a certain distance because of racial lines.

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P-51 Dragon Fighter

P-51 Dragon Fighter

P-51 Dragon Fighter

IMDb: 2.8

As World War Two rages on, the allies are about to push the Nazis out of North Africa. That’s when the Nazis turn up the heat, unleashing their secret Weapon: DRAGONS!!! The allies quickly lose ground to the ancient monster, and are close to complete annihilation when the Allies put together a group of special fighter-pilots, specially trained to fight a beast everyone thought was a myth.

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Curious George 3 Back to the Jungle

Curious George 3 Back to the Jungle

Curious George 3 Back to the Jungle

IMDb: 5.6

When Curious George is offered a special space mission, Ted (The Man in the Yellow Hat) can’t deny his little friend this exciting journey, especially after Curious George completes the training. But when he crash-lands in Africa, a worried Ted goes searching, expecting the worst, only to have it turn out to be the best.

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District 9

District 9

District 9

IMDb: 7.9

Aliens land in South Africa and, with their ship totally disabled, have no way home. Years later, after living in a slum and wearing out their welcome the ‘Non-Humans’ are being moved to a new tent city overseen by Multi-National United (MNU).

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Biker Boyz

Biker Boyz

Biker Boyz

IMDb: 4.6

A mythic motorcycle tale of father and son”, this is the story of Manuel Galloway, also known as “the King of Cali”, the president of a motorcycle club whose members are all African-American men, mostly white-collar workers who exchange their suits and ties at night and on weekends for leather outfits and motorcycle helmets.

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IMDb: 5.1

Eight people embark on an expedition into the Congo, a mysterious expanse of unexplored Africa where human greed and the laws of nature have gone berserk. When the thrill-seekers — some with ulterior motives — stumble across a race of killer apes.

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Gus – Petit oiseau, grand voyage

Gus – Petit oiseau, grand voyage

Gus – Petit oiseau, grand voyage

IMDb: 5.5

Yellowbird lives in the ruins of an old house. He lacks the confidence to leave his home, no matter how much Bug, his labybird friend, tries to convince him to go out into the world. Attempts to toughen him up have had little success, so Bug seizes an opportunity that leaves Yellowbird unexpectedly finding himself the new leader of the flock that is migrating to Africa. Still, lacking faith in his own abilities and with danger and imminent failure lurking around every corner, our feathered hero is forced to either find the strength required to work with the team or bow out and stay hidden away forever.

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Poetic Justice

Poetic Justice

Poetic Justice

IMDb: 6.0

In this film, we see the world through the eyes of main character Justice, a young African-American poet. A mail carrier invites a few friends along for a long overnight delivery run.

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Leading Lady

Leading Lady

Leading Lady

IMDb: 5.8

An idealistic British drama school teacher, Jodi Rutherford, persuades a cynical South African farmer to prepare her for a role in a major film as an Afrikaans war heroine. In return Jodi undertakes to direct the annual concert on the Willemse farm. Jodi’s interaction with the quirky small town citizens and the stubborn Kobus, teaches her that: “there is more to life than lights… camera… and action!”

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Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls

Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls

Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls

IMDb: 6.3

Summoned from an ashram in Tibet, Ace finds himself on a perilous journey into the jungles of Africa to find Shikaka, the missing sacred animal of the friendly Wachati tribe. He must accomplish this before the wedding of the Wachati’s Princess to the prince of the warrior Wachootoos. If Ace fails, the result will be a vicious tribal war.

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Baby Boy

Baby Boy

Baby Boy

IMDb: 6.4

The story of Jody, a misguided, 20-year-old African-American who is really just a baby boy finally forced-kicking and screaming to face the commitments of real life. Streetwise and jobless, he has not only fathered two children by two different women-Yvette and Peanut but still lives with his own mother. He can’t seem to strike a balance or find direction in his chaotic life.

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IMDb: 6.8

In 1964, a brash, new pro boxer, fresh from his Olympic gold medal victory, explodes onto the scene: Cassius Clay. Bold and outspoken, he cuts an entirely new image for African Americans in sport with his proud public self-confidence and his unapologetic belief that he is the greatest boxer of all time. Yet at the top of his game, both Ali’s personal and professional lives face the ultimate test.

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Armour of God

Armour of God

Armour of God

IMDb: 7.1

Jackie Chan stars as Asian Hawk, an Indiana Jones-style adventurer looking to make a fortune in exotic antiquities. After Hawk discovers a mysterious sword in Africa, a band of Satan-worshipping monks kidnap his ex-girlfriend Lorelei, demanding the sword as ransom as well as other pieces of the legendary Armour of God – a magical outfit dating back to the Crusades.

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Jeff Dunham: All Over the Map

Jeff Dunham: All Over the Map

Jeff Dunham: All Over the Map

IMDb: 7.1

Jeff Dunham and his iconic creations, Achmed the Dead Terrorist, Walter, Peanut, and Bubba J. have embarked on an unprecedented world tour that has Dunham touching five continents, logging almost 100,000 miles and starring in arenas where few American comedians have dared to perform. Tell the wrong joke in Singapore or United Arab Emirates and risk being handcuffed before you ever leave the stage. Bring Achmed the Dead Terrorist on stage in Malaysia after a government warning forbidding his presence, and you may begin an indefinite vacation in Kuala Lumpur. While Dunham collects and crafts pop culture references that can excite a local audience upon entering each country – Achmed on this trepidation of returning to the Middle East, Walter’s (lack of) understanding of current race relations in South Africa, Bubba J. finding kindred spirits in Australia – Jeff shows that humor is truly universal. Most of the time.

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Finding Forrester

Finding Forrester

Finding Forrester

IMDb: 7.3

Gus van Sant tells the story of a young African American man named Jamal who confronts his talents while living on the streets of the Bronx. He accidentally runs into an old writer named Forrester who discovers his passion for writing. With help from his new mentor Jamal receives a scholarship to a private school.

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IMDb: 7.4

Newly elected President Nelson Mandela knows his nation remains racially and economically divided in the wake of apartheid. Believing he can bring his people together through the universal language of sport, Mandela rallies South Africa’s rugby team as they make their historic run to the 1995 Rugby World Cup Championship match.

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The Great Debaters

The Great Debaters

The Great Debaters

IMDb: 7.6

The true story of a brilliant but politically radical debate team coach who uses the power of words to transform a group of underdog African American college students into an historical powerhouse that took on the Harvard elite.

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