In Tokyo, a young woman is exposed to the same mysterious curse that afflicted her sister. The supernatural force, which fills a person with rage before spreading to its next victim, brings together a group of previously unrelated people who attempt to unlock its secret to save their lives.
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Heavily influenced by true events of occupy movements and protests across the world over the past 3 years, The Lost Generation portrays a very entertaining yet relevant depiction of our current media and society. We are invited to follow reality TV star SJ – the inspirational female lead, on an epic fight for survival in a dystopian presentation of our present-day world. The Lost Generation exists in a world governed by a corrupt media who have the police and government in their pocket. Able to scandalize the government through mass surveillance, the media creates propaganda on how to live a life – and leaves desperate civilians in its wake. But there is hope. They are called The Unknown
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Zombie A-Hole takes place in a world that’s a bit different from our own. A realm that teeters on the edge of sleaze and comic book stylized awesomeness. It’s Planet Terror meets Sin City meets The Good The Bad and The Ugly. All the men are hard-asses, and all the women are bombshells. Just because vengeance is your way of life doesn’t mean you can’t look damn sexy while you dole out hearty doses of whoop-ass. Everything is just a bit bigger and more interesting than their real life counterparts. This is a an exploitation flick with a southern gothic flair. Written by Dustin Mills