The documentary explores Zuckerberg’s journey from a Harvard student to founder and CEO of Facebook. Two decades after Facebook was established, a feature-length documentary tells the inside story of the events that shaped Mark Zuckerberg’s life and career, and the impact they have had on people’s lives. Told through testimony from key figures and archive footage, Zuckerberg: King of the Metaverse looks at the rise of the world’s youngest billionaire.
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As a manatee, one has to be extremely unlucky to be given a name. The young Hamilton is a living example of this. 600 kilos of pure friendliness – a sea cow, or manatee, is not exactly a paragon of beauty. However, they are without doubt the friendliest giants that inhabit the crystal waters of Florida’s rivers and shores. For the first time, a team of filmmakers has managed to observe a manatee for three years. As a result, the footage astounded even the experienced researchers of the Sirenia Projects. Besides, the gorgeous images of sea birds, alligators and dolphins depict the astonishing eco-system of the Gulf Coast and Florida’s crystal clear rivers.