This film follows several independent game developers (Jason Rohrer, thatgamecompany, Douglas Wilson, Zach Gage, Aledander Bruce) examining why they make digital games. The film delves into their creativity and explores some of their thinking and design strategies. Game developers operate in terrain that demands both programming logic and aesthetic quality. The work is hard, however that’s what they want to do. The film explores how the developers go deeper into the notion of entertainment and discovery.
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In the National Geographic Channel special, “George W. Bush: The 9-11 Interview,” the former President talks about the chaotic moments after the attacks and the reasoning behind decisions he made that day. Bush reflects on being told about the attacks while visiting schoolchildren in Florida and the difficulty in getting accurate information in what he calls “the fog of war.” He also talks about returning to the White House to address Americans in the hours after the terrorist attacks. Fearing a possible psychological boost for al-Qaeda, Bush said he, quote, “damn sure wasn’t going to give it from a bunker in Nebraska.” The former President recalls the emotional visit to Ground Zero just three days after the World Trade Center Towers were destroyed. He describes “a palpable bloodlust” among workers in the ruins who were encouraging him to retaliate against those behind the attacks.
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