A groundbreaking film that portrays the journey of Gigi Lazzarato, a fearless woman who began life as Gregory, posting fashion videos to YouTube from his bedroom, only to later come out as a transgender female. With never-before-seen personal footage, the film spotlights a family’s unwavering love for a child.
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Mastering classic pinball arcade games requires focus, agility and dedication. Robert Gagno has all these traits. It might explain why he surged from a complete unknown to one of the world’s best players in five years. The achievement is even more impressive considering he was diagnosed with autism at age three. His success on the pinball circuit made him part of a community that provided acceptance and encouragement. With his parents’ support and determination, Robert has exceeded every expectation placed upon him. As he approaches adulthood, his next challenge is to become more self-sufficient and gain his independence. From high-stakes tournaments across the continent to his day-to-day search for employment, we follow Robert’s persistent progression to overcome obstacles and manage the highs of success and lows of falling short. In Wizard Mode, flashing lights and triple combos highlight an outstanding individual who continues to beat the odds and set records.
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This documentary includes interviews with the surviving six members from the 855 women of the SixTripleEight (6888 Central Postal Directory battalion), the first, and only, all-black female battalion sent to Europe during World War II. Their mission: clear the backlog of over 17 million pieces of mail stuck in warehouses in Birmingham, England and Rouen, France. They faced racism, sexism, and the Nazis. After dodging German U-boats, they arrived in Birmingham in February 1945. They were given six months to complete the mission in each city. Both times they finished in half the time. The last of the women returned to the United States in March 1946 with little fanfare. Their story was hidden in American military history until now. On November 30, 2018, a monument was dedicated in their honor at Buffalo Soldier Park, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.
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