The Land Beneath Our Feet follows a young Liberian man, uprooted by war, who returns from the USA with never-before-seen footage of Liberia’s past. The uncovered footage is embraced as a national treasure. Depicting a 1926 corporate land grab, it is also an explosive reminder of eroding land rights.
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The movie is set in 18th century Maramureș region of Romania. The Romanian officer Grigore Pintea return to his village and finds out that his parents were killed, and other villagers were tortured because they protested against the unfair treatment of Bartolok Graff. He deserts the Austrian army and he becomes an outlaw. He is joined by many peasants and so his band manages to occupy 2 fortresses.
As the United States recovered from the bloody aftermath of the Civil War, Congress passed the Reorganization Act in 1866, that created the first-ever all-Black peacetime regiments. These six regiments would be reduced to four – the 9th and 10th Cavalry and the 24th and 25th Infantry – and soon earn the moniker Buffalo Soldiers. Although they never received the true and full recognition they deserved, Black Patriots: Buffalo Soldiers, will tell their remarkable story of their valor, bravery, and service. From the complicated skirmishes in the Southwest against Native Americans to the heroic battles on foreign soil to the ongoing fight to be treated as first-class citizens, the Buffalo Soldiers served with pride, dignity, and belief in defending a free America.
Forced onto the streets in her 50s, Mimi found “home” at a Santa Monica laundromat. Taking shelter there for 20 years, Mimi’s passion for pink, and living without looking back, has taken her from homelessness to Hollywood’s red carpets. This is the fascinating and moving story of one incredibly strong woman’ s survival against all odds.
It follows rare private moments from the Queen’s life, including her engagement at Balmoral and behind the scenes footage of her first tour abroad with her family.
A documentary on the current state of medical marijuana in America. Personal stories from patients, doctors and caregivers verify its medical effectiveness while leading activist rally support to end prohibition.
An intimate look at Audrey Hepburn’s life, with access to exclusive never-before-seen footage from her family’s personal collection, providing an unprecedented and insightful view on Audrey, her life and her dreams, aspirations and her everlasting legacy.
A child who just loved to skate from the age of eight, Poppy Starr Olsen became the number one female bowl skater in Australia at 14 and went on to take out bronze at the XGames at 17 – the ultimate competition in the world of skateboarding. The same year, skateboarding was announced as an official additional sport category at the Tokyo 2020 Olympics. Now faced with the opportunity to represent Australia on the world stage Poppy grapples with the transition from skater to athlete and the pressure of competition mounts in a way it has never done before.
Murder Games tells the true story of Breck Bednar, the 14 year-old schoolboy who was lured to his death after being groomed online by Lewis Daynes.
Shot through the seasons over the period of 16 months, the documentary dives into the cold water swimming community of Gaddings Dam, Calderdale, West Yorkshire, home to the UK’s highest beach. The film tracks the breathtaking landscape and its community of wild swimmers, as they use the restorative powers of cold water to reconnect with their mental health, identity and the natural environment.
The Last Bumblebee is a solution-based documentary featuring interviews with scientists, and environmentalists discussing the importance of bumblebees as pollinators and the various threats they face.
Seventy years on, brothers Colin and Ewan McGregor take viewers through the key moments of the Battle of Britain, when ‘the few’ of the RAF faced the might of the Nazi Luftwaffe. As they fly historic planes, meet the veterans, explore the tactics and technology, Colin and Ewan discover the importance of the Battle and the surviving legacy of the 1940’s campaign for the modern RAF.
The most expensive and specialized airplane ever built, the B2 Stealth bomber carries a price tag of more than two billion dollars. Highly effective and extremely technically advanced, it has been an integral part of the Air Force arsenal for the past 20 years. From a Cold War scrap heap candidate, to the go-to bomber in the 2011 strike against Qaddafi’s army in Libya, “Spirit” has seen its share of trials and triumphs. Join us as we detail how this secret weapon evolved to overcome critics, espionage, and even tragedy, to change the shape of aviation forever.