Tells the remarkable story of Moses “Shyne” Barrow, the Grammy Award-winning musician turned politician. A rising star in the late 1990s, Shyne’s promising rap career was cut short after being charged in a high-profile New York nightclub shooting, along with rap impresario Sean “Puffy” Combs. Shyne was convicted in 2001 and sentenced to ten years in prison, while Combs was acquitted. After prison, Shyne reemerged in his native Belize, where he transitioned from music to politics, ultimately becoming the Leader of Opposition Party. His journey is one of redemption, resilience, and transformation. This documentary provides an intimate look at Shyne’s personal evolution as he navigates fame, incarceration and a return home to Belize, where he finds new purpose and strives to lead his country to a brighter future.
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