The New River Gorge Bridge in West Virginia spans over the Appalachian Mountains and is the world’s fourth-largest bridge. It is also inconspicuously becoming the world’s most popular suicide bridge. An EMT and a demon hunter investigate the dark reasoning behind the unnerving compulsion that attracts people from all over the world to commit suicide off this bridge.
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Caught in the stranglehold of debt and structural adjustment, Africa is fighting for its survival. In the face of disaster, representatives of African society bring an action against international financial institutions. The trial takes place in Bamako, in the yard of a house, among its inhabitants.
Two westerners, a priest and a teacher find themselves in the middle of the Rwandan genocide and face a moral dilemna. Do they place themselves in danger and protect the refugees, or escape the country with their lives? Based on a true story.
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An African-American model on a film shoot in Ghana is transported into the body of a slave on a Southern plantation.
It’s 1959 in a seedy bar in Philadelphia, and Billie Holiday is giving one of her last performances interlaced with salty, often humorous, reminiscences to project a riveting portrait of the lady and her music 4 months before her death.
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A struggling, indebted business man leaves his family immediately after Christmas to pursue a lucrative property deal that could solve all of his problems: buying foreclosed properties from banks at a fraction of their value, refi tting them for a minimum cost, and then selling them for a large profi t. He hires a local chauffeur for 24 hours to drive him around the mountainous area but, as night sets in and the weather worsens, the car is trapped on an icy road and the men face an uncertain fate.
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