The movie explores the tumultuous life of Bobby DeBarge, the former lead singer of 70’s R&B/Funk Band Switch, also the eldest sibling of the world-famous pop group DeBarge. Despite his success in music, the iconic falsetto found his life in peril as he struggled with fame and fortune while coping with the memories of his dysfunctional childhood.
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After the big success of the first part the film-makers apparently felt pressured to launch a new “investigation” and gather new material. Therefore, Friedrich von Thun again ventures out into the streets, this time of Berlin, to ask schoolgirls about their sexual experiences. The invinted guests talk about (allegedly) true events. Schoolgirls that seduce their teachers, runaway girls that have been robbed and who have to prostitute themselves or innocent girls that have been drugged and raped…
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The harrowing true story of two elite US Navy fighter pilots during the Korean War. Their heroic sacrifices would ultimately make them the Navy’s most celebrated wingmen.
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The film is set in the near future, and it looks back on how peace was made in 2013 between Israel and Palestine. It is the story of two businessmen – one Palestinian and one Israeli – who struggle to set up a solar energy company. Both come from societies where there is strong opposition to cooperating with the other, and the film tells how they overcome hostility from within their own families and from the people around them. In the end, they mount a Facebook campaign that brings popular support both to their joint venture and to the peace process. The film was produced by Amir Harel, an Academy Award-nominated Israeli producer, and directed by Sameh Zoabi, a leading Palestinian film-maker.
A dramatic comedy about the struggles of young adulthood and the uncertainty of the future, “The Universe Where” takes a new twist on a coming-of-age story and the mental hurdles of following a dream.
Following a brain transplant, a man is forced to experience the thoughts and memories of the man he accidentally killed.
Rufus is a shy and lonely boy determined to make a new start. Sure he has some quirks. So what if he likes the taste of blood? It’s not like he’s addicted. When a cunning vampire hunter slips into town searching for the fountain of youth, Rufus fears his darkest secret is about to be revealed.