Cable channel Nickelodeon’s animated children’s television series “Rocket Power” is propelled to the silver screen for the first time with this full-length feature film that follows the exploits of Otto Rocket, Reggie, Twister and Sam. Armed with a spirit for adventure, they embark on a Hawaiian extreme sporting escapade. But amid the killer surfing and skating, the gang also finds a spooky spirit in the jungle!
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Superman’s reputation is tarnished when a crook begins committing crimes in a Superman costume.
14 years after third impact, Ikari Shinji awakens to a world he does not remember. He hasn’t aged. Much of Earth is laid in ruins, Nerv has been dismantled, and people who he once protected have turned against him. Befriending the enigmatic Nagisa Kaworu, Shinji continues the fight against the angels and realizes the fighting is far from over, even when it could be against his former allies. The characters’ struggles continue amidst the battles against the angels and each other, spiraling down to what could inevitably be the end of the world. The film was retitled “Evangelion: 3.33” for its DVD/Blu-ray release.
One day, Horton the elephant hears a cry from help coming from a speck of dust. Even though he can’t see anyone on the speck, he decides to help it. As it turns out, the speck of dust is home to the Whos, who live in their city of Whoville. Horton agrees to help protect the Whos and their home
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It’s the 1890’s, and Donald is riding his penny-farthing bicycle to see Daisy when Chip ‘n Dale make fun of him. It quickly escalates into a full-fledged war between Donald and the chipmunks.
This is an alien invasion film like no other – the aliens are miniature but still want to take over the world!
An evil black cloud of negativity is spreading through the Universe threatening its destruction. The good Space Bears of Planet Bearia have discovered its source……Earth. They send their famous scientist Bearian Starfish the Third (Angie Mavrakis) to construct a Love Bomb in order to detonate it and bring peace to mankind, stopping the black cloud in the process. Space Bear gets help along the way from his only human friend Randy (Michael Potter), a dim witted kid with a heart of gold who vows to stick by Bearian no matter what. Hot on their tail is an unscrupulous bounty hunter named Ricky Gitsburg (John Oathout) who will do anything to capture the alien in his quest for fame and fortune. Soon the FBI gets involved tracking the pair in the belief the two are out to construct a weapon of mass destruction. Space Bear and the Love Bomb is an animated science fiction adventure for all ages that carries a positive message of overcoming the evils of the world through the power of love.
Looking for a much-needed break, Finn arranges a surprise vacation for his friends Rey, Poe, Rose, Chewie, BB-8, R2-D2, and C-3PO, aboard the luxurious Halcyon. However, Finn’s plan to have one last hurrah together quickly goes awry.
In Enchanted Parade, Akko, Lotte and Sucy, having gotten in trouble yet again, are forced to team up with three other troublemakers; Amanda O’Neill, Constance Braunschweig Albrechtsburger and Jasmineka Antonenko, and must make an annual witch parade a success or else face expulsion.
Three different stories come to life in this sequel to the hit animated Disney adventure. Explorer Milo Thatch, his new sweetheart, Queen Kida, and the rest of the team are preparing to rebuild the underwater city. But trouble crops up. Harnessing the power of the crystal of Atlantis, the adventurers set out to defend their kingdom against dark forces that threaten from sand, sea and snow.