The story follows a 16-year-old Icelandic boy, Ari, who lives with his mother in Reykjavík, She has to leave the country for a new job, sending him back to the small town of his youth. There he finds his old friend, suddenly a young woman with a tricky romantic relationship; and his father has become a victim of the financial crisis.
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After the success of the first part, “Hotboy rebels and the story of Laugher, prostitute and duck”, part 2 reveals more details about the complex and paradoxical male prostitution world. After being rescued, Lam returned to his old job: “find a way to find customers” and still went on to find Khoi, his ex-boyfriend. When Lam met Khoi, Lam realized his fate was too unfair for him. Could Lam do it all over again to have a new life?