In the third installment of the hit Nazi Zombie action horror movie, Outpost: Rise Of The Spetnaz, we discover the horrifying origins of these supernatural soldiers and see them in ferocious gladiatorial battle against the most ruthless and notorious of all military special forces: the Russian Spetsnaz.
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Hoping to alter the events of the past, a 19th century inventor instead travels 800,000 years into the future, where he finds humankind divided into two warring races.
In a post-apocalyptic world where zombies attack the remnants of humanity, one survivor is forced to make a deal with the devil. In order to regain his soul and escape his torment he must save an entire town from the living dead.
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The global economy is on the brink of collapse. Brilliant creators, from artists to industrialists, continue to mysteriously disappear. Unemployment has risen to 24%. Gas is now $42 per gallon. Dagny Taggart, Vice President in Charge of Operations for Taggart Transcontinental, has discovered what may very well be the answer to the mounting energy crisis – found abandoned amongst ruins, a miraculous motor that could seemingly power the World. But, the motor is dead… there is no one left to decipher its secret… and, someone is watching. It’s a race against the clock to find the inventor and stop the destroyer before the motor of the World is stopped for good. A motor that would power the World. A World whose motor would be stopped. Who is John Galt?
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A fierce robber has plotted a major heist. But unfortunately, his plan was unintentionally foiled by two dispirited middle-aged best friends, and the stolen cash disappears. As a result, the trio has to run from the pursue of a policewoman, as well as engaging in a firearm in order to reclaim the stolen cash, putting their life on the line.
Akhil, an underdog and a failure, comes to know that his real father is a rich diamond merchant who has just passed away. When he goes to retrieve his wealth, he learns that a dog has inherited it.
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Prepare yourself for the all too deadly future. Cash, the heroine of Cyborg 2, is living safe in the free zone. But not for long. Biomechanical problems are taking down her systems and a visit to a doctor in Silica confirms her worst fears. She is more then a marvel of cyborg technology. She is the first of her kind to become a creator-she is pregnant.