In the third instalment of the franchise, Janne embarks on an epic hike, a journey of self-discovery. His dreams of a tranquil retreat into nature are quickly shattered however, when Räihänen and Kämäräinen both decide to come along for the trip. Meanwhile Janne’s spouse Inari gets the chance to go back to work, but only if she can prove she’s “management material” and a real leader. Inari enters the Swamp Soccer tournament, where to her horror she finds out her ex Little Mikko is also competing.
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This film is made up several sketches in which certain actors play several real or fictional roles to a background of rock music. The lead character, played by Godard himself, is an annoyingly perfectionist film-maker determined to wring every last drop of the finest performance possible from his stars.
Michele is thirteen year old, shy, unpopular at school, and in love with Stella. After wearing a costume for a Halloween party, he finds out that he’s invisible.
The story of the Buckman family and friends, attempting to bring up their children. They suffer/enjoy all the events that occur: estranged relatives, the “black sheep” of the family, the eccentrics, the skeletons in the closet, and the rebellious teenagers.
Kim and Theo meet in the midst of Black Friday shopping madness but there’s a definite spark between them. When a power outage causes some panic at a store, the couple gets separated. With Christmas coming, there should be plenty of distractions but neither Kim nor Theo can forget the other. Both yearn to find each other but how with so little information to go on?
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A farmer becomes an unintentional celebrity when, because of a strike, he has to walk his 5000 geese 100 miles to market.
Filmed at the historic 40 Watt Club in Athens, Georgia, Kyle Kinane’s new special delivers wonderfully grim anecdotes filtered through his own optimistic lens. In “I Liked His Old Stuff Better” Kinane chooses to marvel rather than rue such experiences as falling in the shower and receiving pickled eggs as a token of love. It is his second special for Comedy Central.
After settling in Green Hills, Sonic is eager to prove he has what it takes to be a true hero. His test comes when Dr. Robotnik returns, this time with a new partner, Knuckles, in search for an emerald that has the power to destroy civilizations. Sonic teams up with his own sidekick, Tails, and together they embark on a globe-trotting journey to find the emerald before it falls into the wrong hands.
Various experiences of childhood are seen in several sequences that take place in the small town of Thiers, France. Vignettes include a boy’s awakening interest in girls, couples double-dating at the movies, brothers giving their friend a haircut, a boy dealing with an abusive home life, a baby and a cat sitting by an open window, a child telling a dirty joke, and a boy who develops a crush on his friend’s mother.
Fun Size Horror Presents “Dark, Deadly & Dreadful”, an anthology of short films from Fun Size Horror’s community of filmmakers. Each film explores different themes in the horror genre all from the unique perspective of its creator. Featuring work from a diverse group of filmmakers, shorts include submissions to Fun Size Horror, world premiers, and festival winners.
Tom Mix and Wyatt Earp team up to solve a murder at the Academy Awards in 1929 Hollywood.