This coming-of-age story focuses on Kyle Westphal, an isolated autistic boy who’s fascinated by fabric and emerges from an experimental autism treatment program to become a fashion designer. Westphal’s family looks back on twenty years of his development with candor and humor. The film combines observational footage, archival material, and animation to chronicle how a passion for fashion transformed Kyle and his family.
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Its focus will be on the inventor-explorer-environmentalist-filmmaker revolution, i.e., giving mankind the resources to explore the ocean with the Aqua Lung, calling attention to ocean pollution, and his longtime collaboration.
Not Available right now
In 1975, in Northern California, a diverse crew of skateboarders met at a paved embankment under the freeway. They had no idea their underground movement would have a global impact on the world of skateboarding. Their story has never been told. Until now. In 2011, the N-Men’s founder, John O’Shei, finally gave permission to filmmaker James Sweigert to tell their story. Sweigert spent 11 years digging through attics, basements and garages unearthing 86 minutes of never before seen footage and photos of the undocumented Northern California skate scene.
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