Jojo Rabbit is about a young boy living during World War II. His only escapism is through his imaginary friend, an ethnically inaccurate version of Adolf Hitler, who pushes the young boy’s naive patriotic beliefs. However, this all changes when a young girl challenges those views and causes Jojo to face his own issues.
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Returning home after their honeymoon, a couple find themselves haunted by a disembodied head seeking its missing body.
A businessman with a disfigured face obtains a lifelike mask from his doctor, but the mask starts altering his personality.
The film tells the story of a retired and widowed Chinese master chef Chu (Si Hung Lung) and his family living in modern day Taipei, Taiwan. At the start of the film, he lives with his three attractive daughters, all of whom are unattached. As the film progresses, each of the daughters encounters new men in their lives. When these new relationships blossom, the stereotypes are broken and the living situation within the family changes.. The film features several scenes displaying the techniques and artistry of gourmet Chinese cooking. Since the family members have difficulty expressing their love for each other, the intricate preparation of banquet quality dishes for their Sunday dinners is the surrogate for their familial feelings.
After the success of the first part, “Hotboy rebels and the story of Laugher, prostitute and duck”, part 2 reveals more details about the complex and paradoxical male prostitution world. After being rescued, Lam returned to his old job: “find a way to find customers” and still went on to find Khoi, his ex-boyfriend. When Lam met Khoi, Lam realized his fate was too unfair for him. Could Lam do it all over again to have a new life?
Gary Faulkner is an ex-con, unemployed handyman, and modern day Don Quixote who receives a vision from God telling him to capture Osama Bin Laden. Armed with only a single sword purchased from a home-shopping network, Gary travels to Pakistan to complete his mission. While on his quest, Gary encounters old friends back home in Colorado, the new friends he makes in Pakistan, the enemies he makes at the CIA – and even God and Osama themselves.
The Green Butchers (Danish: De grønne slagtere) is a black comedy featuring two butchers, Svend “Sweat” and Bjarne, who start their own shop to get away from their arrogant boss. Cannibalism is soon introduced to the plot, and further complications arise due to the reappearance of Bjarne’s mentally retarded twin brother Eigil.
A heavily addicted smoker is unprepared for the true price he must pay when he asks a guru’s help to kick the habit.
Rick Robinson, a law intern, is scheduled to take the bar exam in just four days. Anxious to score points with his boss Mr. McAllister, Rick unwisely agrees to help the man move. The next day, Rick finds himself in a moving van from Miami to Los Angeles, accompanied by McAllister’s spoiled niece and her pet pig.
A grissled cop with tendencies towards excessive force teams up with an ambitious and righteous prosecutor to track down a dangerous crime boss whom they both want desperately to catch. But their quarry resorts to devious methods to stall their investigation and eventually turn them against each other. Now the stage is set for a dangerous triangle.