This special program, hosted by renowned magician Lance Burton, explores the life and magic of the great escape artist through his most prized possessions–the Chinese Water Torture Cell, the Milkcan, his straitjackets and handcuffs, and lockpicks that were “key” to his handcuff escapes–all revealed to the public for the first time. HOUDINI also unlocks secrets of the man–brash showman, fierce competitor, loyal son and husband. Interviews include his great-nephew and the last surviving member of his magic troop.
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She’s been around for so many decades but hasn’t aged a day. She’s had more than 180 different jobs; she’s been president, she’s been to the moon, and she’s done all the things that women aspire to do. She has a massive closet, and thousands of different outfits. Barbie is way more than just a 12-inches long piece of plastic, she is way more than a toy. The legendary blond bombshell has grown into a phenomenon and a children’s sensation. Wildly revolutionary, Barbie broke barriers, shattered glass ceilings, and has inspired countless dreams, wonder and imagination, with her signature color: Pink. The history of the doll is a testament to its enduring appeal and impact. Things have changed for her the same way things changed for women. Whatever we may think about Barbie – love or loathe her – it is impossible to ignore her worldwide impact. Let’s step into the beautiful world of Barbie and take a look at her cultural revolution through the decades.
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