A woman must protect her small town from the Jackalope (based on the mythical rabbit-antelope creature of North American folklore) and his army of devilish bunnies as they embark on a murder spree over the Easter weekend.
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When two beautiful college girls move across the street from Derek and Chad, sinister things begin to happen.
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A quiet town is jumpstarted by the arrival of an enigmatic family; a statuesque mother named Louisa and her gorgeous teenage sons. Sixteen Year-Old Hilary is working hard to get good grades, hoping to escape the small town life a long line of relatives lived before her. With the arrival of the mysterious family just weeks before school is to let out, life suddenly becomes appealing. Hilary’s father is instantly charmed by Louisa, while she herself finds a strong connection to middle son Kadin, ignoring her dubious instincts. As the town falls under the hypnotic spell of the young men, no one but Hilary sees the peculiar loyalty that holds them together and the lengths they will go to give their mother what she needs until it’s far too late.