In 1978, CBS aired the “Star Wars Holiday Special” the week before Thanksgiving to an audience of 13 million people. Considered one of the worst shows in television history, it aired only once. George Lucas tried to bury it and an infamous camp legend was born. This documentary unravels the mysteries behind the most bizarre Star Wars spin-offs of all time.
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At the death of her mother, Aga decides to leave her life in Germany with her partner Maja to look after her younger brother in Poland. To do this, she has to hide her love for another woman from the authorities. Closely following its protagonists, Silent Love delicately narrates their discreet struggle against a prying and viscerally homophobic society.
Actor Stephen Tobolowsky has acted in over 200 TV shows and films over the past 40 years, possessing one of the most dazzlingly diverse filmographies on the planet. But even more compelling than the stories he’s been apart of onscreen are those he tells offscreen. In ‘The Primary Instinct,’ Stephen plays himself and uses the art of storytelling to take the audience through a riveting and moving journey about life, love, and Hollywood. Along the way, he just may answer one of the questions that’s dogged humanity since the beginning of time: Why do we tell stories in the first place?
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How would you feel about carrying your home in your pocket or having clothes to live in? For most of us, “house” means stability, structure, and permanence. In an age of increasing population and technological gains, today’s mobile society has resulted in a demand, or perhaps a dream, for portable dwellings and dwellings in new settings and situations.
Microtopia explores how architects, artists and ordinary problem-solvers are pushing the limits to find answers to their dreams of portability, flexibility – and of creating independence from “the grid”. Modern nomads, homeless people, people in stress, people in need of privacy or seclusion. We hear about the personal reasons behind the dwellings, and to see how they actually work. On the sidewalk, on rooftops, in industrial landscapes and in nature we will see and feel how these abodes meet the dreams set up by their creators. Microtopia deals with a contemporary urgent ideas that are addressed, and solved, in a very surprising way.
When filmmaker and investigative journalist Frances Causey, a daughter of the South, set out to explore the continuing racial divisions in the US, what she discovered was that the politics of slavery didn’t end with the Civil War. In an astonishingly candid look at the United States’ original sin, The Long Shadow traces slavery’s history from America’s founding up through its insidious ties to racism today.
15 years after “Lost in la Mancha”, Keith Fulton and Louis Pepe come back to follow Terry Gilliam’s new (successful) attempt at filming “The Man Who Killed Don Quixote”.
Dick Proenneke’s simple, yet profound account of his 30 year adventure in the remote Alaska wilderness continues in this sequel to “Alone in the Wilderness”. Watch through his eyes as he continues to document with his 16mm wind-up Bolex camera, capturing his own amazing craftsmanship, the stunning Alaskan wildlife and scenery and even a visit from his brother Ray (Jake). His epic journey takes you on a vacation away from the hustle and bustle of today’s fast-paced society, and is a true breath of fresh air.
In response to a wave of discriminatory anti-LGBTQ laws and the divisive 2016 election, the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus embarks on a tour of the American Deep South.
Shot in Romania, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Qatar, the documentary follows the story of Alexandra, who decides to marry Daniel, a young man converted to Islam.
In June 2016, 20-year-old Brit Michael Sandford was arrested at a Donald Trump rally, after trying to take a police officer’s gun in a bid to shoot the then republican presidential nominee. Michael immediately found himself at the centre of a media storm and at the mercy of America’s notoriously harsh justice system. After pleading guilty, he faced years behind bars. But how did a young middle-class boy from suburban Surrey who suffers from Asperger’s end up thousands of miles from home? And what drove him to attempt to kill one of the most powerful men in the world? This programme follows Michael’s family as they travel to the US for his sentencing, unsure of when they might see him again. Set against the backdrop of Trump’s remarkable rise to the White House, the documentary explores Michael’s complex past while using exclusive eye witness interviews and never-before-seen archive to piece together the elaborate assassination plot and attempt to find out why he did it.
Alexandra Pelosi’s patriotic travelogue crisscrosses the U.S. to attend naturalization ceremonies in all 50 states and listens to recent immigrants from around the world explain their decision to become American citizens. The film is inspired by the naturalization process experienced by Pelosi’s Dutch-born husband, Michiel Vos.