
Pursuit of Happiness

Pursuit of Happiness

Pursuit of Happiness

IMDb: 5.9

An advertising executive fails to realize that the woman of his dreams is his best friend since first grade, now married to his cheating co-worker.

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The Pursuit

The Pursuit

The Pursuit

IMDb: 7.1

Professional musician turned intrepid economist Arthur Brooks travels around the globe in search of an answer to the question: How can we lift up the world together, starting with those at the margins of society? His journey takes him through the chaotic streets of Mumbai, a town in Kentucky left behind by the global economy, a homeless shelter in New York, a street protest in Barcelona, and a Himalayan Buddhist monastery. Along the way, he discovers the secrets not only to material progress for the least fortunate, but also true and lasting happiness for all.

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IMDb: 5.9

In a small, middle-class town in Long Island, NY, three women – and close-knit childhood friends – cope with the death of the fourth member of their group. When faced with the reality that life is short, these women pivot, and alter their current paths, by way of a series of impulsive, ill-advised and self-indulgent decisions. These pivots will strengthen their bond and prove it’s never too late to screw up your life in the pursuit of happiness.

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Lady Valor: The Kristin Beck Story

Lady Valor: The Kristin Beck Story

Lady Valor: The Kristin Beck Story

IMDb: 7.4

A former U.S. Navy Seal seeks life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness living life as a transgender woman.

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Jack and Jill vs. the World

Jack and Jill vs. the World

Jack and Jill vs. the World

IMDb: 5.4

Jack and Jill’s Manifesto of Rules to Live By Rule 1 Be honest Rule 2 Believe in fairy tales Rule 3 Accept time as our friend Rule 4 Make sure the nooky is good Rule 5 Promote beauty. Wage a sustained campaign against ugliness Rule 6 Abandon the pursuit of happiness and its false promise Rule 7 Show compassion, except to pirates Rule 8 Less TV Rule 9 Always be willing to admit when you’re wrong

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Janelle Monáe: Dirty Computer

Janelle Monáe: Dirty Computer

Janelle Monáe: Dirty Computer

IMDb: 8.0

The story of a young woman named Jane 57821, who is living in a totalitarian near-future society where citizens are referred to as ‘computers.’ ‘Dirty Computer’ explores humanity and what truly happens to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness when mind and machines merge, and when the government chooses fear over freedom.

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IMDb: 7.6

Man was made to be happy for simple reasons and unhappy for even simpler ones – just as he is born for simple reasons and dies for even simpler ones… Isa and Bahar are two lonely figures dragged through the ever-changing climate of their inner selves in pursuit of a happiness that no longer belongs to them.

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Bowling for Columbine

Bowling for Columbine

Bowling for Columbine

IMDb: 8.0

Why do 11,000 people die in America each year at the hands of gun violence? Talking heads yelling from every TV camera blame everything from Satan to video games. But are we that much different from many other countries? What sets us apart? How have we become both the master and victim of such enormous amounts of violence? This is not a film about gun control. It is a film about the fearful heart and soul of the United States, and the 280 million Americans lucky enough to have the right to a constitutionally protected Uzi. From a look at the Columbine High School security camera tapes to the home of Oscar-winning NRA President Charlton Heston, from a young man who makes homemade napalm with The Anarchist’s Cookbook to the murder of a six-year-old girl by another six-year-old, Bowling for Columbine is a journey through America, through our past, hoping to discover why our pursuit of happiness is so riddled with violence.

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The Happy Film

The Happy Film

The Happy Film

IMDb: 7.4

New York designer Stefan Sagmeister lives in the city of his dreams, and creates work for the likes of the Rolling Stones and Jay-Z. Business is good, creative juices are flowing, and yet he suspects there must be more to life. Sagmeister takes on the daunting project of changing his personality by trying to figure out the causes of happiness. On the advice of a trusted psychologist Sagmeister experiments with three different approaches: meditation, therapy, and drugs. The Happy Film follows his pursuit, and all that he encounters along the way: joy, ecstasy, heartbreak, change, love, and death.

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The Sad Cafe

The Sad Cafe

The Sad Cafe

IMDb: 6.2

The Sad Cafe brings to life the gritty world where cause and effect, life and death, love and hatred play out a delicate balance. A place where unrequited love is the driving force behind closing ourselves off from the world, and is the cause of unrelenting bitterness to the happiness that was taken from us, the happiness we long for. The Sad Cafe is, at its core, a love story…a romance tragic in all aspects. A testimony to the pain people endure in their pursuit for love and companionship. “…intense and impressive … a compelling story of love and crime… [with]…crackling moments of gore and action…” Ain’t It Cool News “…must be seen … a dynamic action thriller from visionary young director Bennie Woodell…” Wildside Cinema

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Fully Charged

Fully Charged

Fully Charged

IMDb: 6.4

Filled with expertise and provocative real-world stories, this powerful film reveals practical ways to energize work and life. Fully Charged is about transforming lives through healthier choices, interactions that strengthen relationships, and the pursuit of meaning over happiness.

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Lucky in Love

Lucky in Love

Lucky in Love

IMDb: 5.8

When Mira’s April Fool’s Day tricks materialize, she finds herself promoted to the perfect job, dating the perfect man and living in the perfect home. Mira’s newly upgraded life even involves working with her CEO and her good friend, on a coveted work project. When these seemingly positive changes result in big challenges, Mira realizes that the pursuit of perfection is a fool’s errand. In order to achieve a life that’s perfect for her, Mira must let go of perfection and chase what brings her true happiness.

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