It’s not easy to be Barry. An earthworm gets no respect. He lives at the bottom of the food chain. But one day, an old disco record turns his life upside down. Suddenly he sees before him his own destiny, the star of the world’s greatest disco band: Sunshine Barry & The Disco Worms! Okay, he’s got no arms, no rhythm and no band. But as Barry says: “We’ll do it anyway!”
A maintenance man for a seedy motel embarks on a path of self-destruction through the alleyways of Chicago after he discovers a hidden stash of powerful hallucinogenic worms.
When a family of raccoons discover worms living underneath the sod in Jeff and Nealy’s backyard, this pest problem begins a darkly comic and wild chain reaction of domestic tension, infidelity and murder.
Hick handymen Val McKee and Earl Bassett can barely eke out a living in the Nevada hamlet of Perfection, so they decide to leave town — despite an admonition from a shapely seismology coed who’s picking up odd readings on her equipment. Before long, Val and Earl discover what’s responsible for those readings: 30-foot-long carnivorous worms with a proclivity for sucking their prey underground.
Jae-hyuk is a pharmaceutical worker for a medical supplies company. When a series of dead bodies are found floating in the Han River. The public is shocked to discovered that the deaths are related to a fatal outbreak of virus-infected mutant parasitic horsehair worms, called ‘Yeongasi’, that can control the human brain. Those infected shows symptoms of hunger and thirst, hence jumps into the river to combat dehydration. Whilst the authorities work to find a cure, Jae-hyuk struggles to save his family when they also exhibits similar symptoms.