From Oscar-winning filmmakers Chai Vasarhelyi and Jimmy Chin, “Wild Life” follows conservationist Kris Tompkins on an epic, decades-spanning love story as wild as the landscapes she dedicated her life to protecting. After falling in love in mid-life, Kris and the outdoorsman and entrepreneur Doug Tompkins left behind the world of the massively successful outdoor brands they’d helped pioneer like Patagonia, The North Face, and Esprit, and turned their attention to a visionary effort to create National Parks throughout Chile and Argentina. “Wild Life” chronicles the highs and lows of their journey to effect the largest private land donation in history.
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Bulletproof Films investigates the dangerous world of toxic environmental mold in the new documentary film MOLDY. Produced by prominent biohacker, bestselling author, and Bulletproof Founder, Dave Asprey, and directed by Kee Kee Buckley and Eric Troyer, the film uncovers the frightening truth about this growing health crisis far more dangerous than asbestos and lead paint, and exposes risks, explains the effects, and shares solutions for keeping our families strong.
Auschwitz-Birkenau was designed to kill. Four gas chambers murdered thousands at a time, belching out smoke and human ashes. Starvation, thirst, disease, and hard labor reduced the average lifespan to less than three months. More than 1-million people perished in the largest German Nazi concentration and extermination camp. Seventy years after her liberation, Kitty Hart-Moxon makes a final return to Auschwitz-Birkenau to walk among the crumbling memorial with students Natalia and Lydia, who, at 16, are the same age now as she was then. As Kitty tells them her story of daily existence, themes begin to emerge: the ever-present threat of death, resilience, friendship, human strength, resisting the Nazis’ constant lethal intent, and living like an animal while still remaining human. Natalia and Lydia ask questions; Kitty provides answers, passing her legacy to the next generation.
Follow TGR’s modern day athletes on this cinematic voyage through Alaska’s awe-inspiring expanse, rich history, and colorful characters. Watch as the TGR crew ventures from AK training grounds Jackson Hole, WY, and Pemberton, BC, and delves deep into the Alaskan way of life during a record snowfall year in AK, skiing terrain most of us only dream about. On Location: Jackson Hole, WY / Valdez, AK / Haines, AK / Anchorage, AK / Whittier, AK / Northern Chugach, AK / Valdez Heli Ski Guides / Alyeska Resort / SEABA Heli / Alaska Heli Skiing / Girdwood, AK / Pemberton, BC